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Knowledge base article 31

Manually installing a patch

Sometimes Windows loses the association between Microsoft Windows Patch files (.MSP) and Windows Installer. This could happen if another application takes over this association.

In such circumstances, the patch file cannot be started directly and you will need to apply the patch manually as follows:

  1. Download the patch file to your local hard drive. It&39;s probably a good idea to create a local folder to hold the download - for example c:\download
  2. When the download is complete, select Start/Run and enter:
    MSIEXEC /P c:\[pathtopatch]\nameofpatch.MSP
As an example, using the 4.2.000 to 4.11.000 patch and the patch stored in a \download folder:
MSIEXEC /P c:\download\ABPatch42_411.MSP