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Artículo de la base de conocimiento 48

How do I open an Ability file in program "xyz"

Usually, you will be required to export the file before the third-party program ("xyz") will be able to read it. This process, and the formats to choose, depends on what type of Ability file it is...

Write - you must export the file in a format that the program "xyz" can read. Many third-party word processors can read Microsoft Word files, which is worth a try if you are not sure what formats are supported. See Knowledge Base Article 41: How do I open or save MS Word docs & MS Excel spreadsheets

Spreadsheet - you must export the file in a format that the program "xyz" can read. Many third-party spreadsheet programs can read Microsoft Excel files, which is worth a try if you are not sure what formats are supported. See Knowledge Base Article 41: How do I open or save MS Word docs & MS Excel spreadsheets for more details

Database - Ability Database 2000 uses the same format as Microsoft Access which is a good start. See Knowledge Base Article 42: How do I export to Access 97? for more details. Otherwise, you'll need to save each table as a separate file. In Database, select File/Export, pick a Database format (dBASE III is widely accepted by many other third party programs) and then choose the table you want to export. Repeat this process for each table you want to export.

Photopaint - you must export the image. Most image editing programs will be able to read jpeg or gif or bmp. Use File/Save As and pick a format in the "Save As type" box to export the current image.