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Knowledge base article 40

How to enter an Extension Code

An "Extension Code" allows Ability to run for a fixed period of time (for example a year) and is only available through special promotions (e.g. in conjuntion with a magazine) or by purchasing a subscription. The Extension Code is not an Activation Key (which is permanent and must be purchased).

The Extension Code can only be entered by downloading and running the tool (titled Activation Manager) described at point of registration. We will have emailed you details of the Code and how to run the Activation Manager at the time.

The Activation Manager looks like this:

This is the ONLY place where the Extension Code can be entered.

To run the Activation Manager:

  1. Download and save the Activation Manager program.
  2. Run the program. Windows Vista note: you must run the program with administrator rights (in Windows Explorer, use right-click and Run as administrator).
  3. Enter the Extension Code.