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Knowledge base article 68

Cannot set the top and bottom margin to zero (or some other small setting)

The top and bottom margins contain a header and footer respectively. The header and footer has a setting to determine distance from the edge of the paper. If you try to set the page margins into this header/footer area they will automatically reset to fit.

Solution 1 (version 4 only): Drag the margin control on the horizontal ruler using the mouse. This will force the header/footer to be be moved towards the edge of the paper (or removed alltogether)

Solution 2 (all versions): Select View/Header and Footer Setup and clear the enable header and footer checkboxes. Now the page margins can be set to 0 (or something small) in File/Page Setup.

Solution 2 (versions 2002 and earlier): Select View/Header and Footer Setup and set "From Edge" to zero. Now the page margins can be set to 0 (or something small) in File/Page Setup.