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Article de la base de connaissances 36

Your trial period has expired

One of three things could have happened:

i) Your trial period has genuinely expired

The download versions from our web site last for 10 days following installation. Re-install will not allow an additional 10 days. Sorry. If you download and install Ability Write in January and then download and install Ability Spreadsheet in May, then Spreadsheet will not run since Ability shares the trial period across all Ability applications.

ii) There was an error with the trial mechanism

Very rare. If you think this has happened, try running the following small exe: trialfix.exe (20KB). It will do two things: a) it will attempt to correct the trial period (except of a genuinely expired product) and b) it will prompt you to email back to Ability the result of running the program which shows the current trial status (this helps us with any subsequent problems that may arise). 

iii) Something has gone wrong with the product registration

To help us investigate and fix the problem, please run trialfix.exe (20KB) and follow the on-screen instructions for emailing the results back to us. Most likely, simply running the program will fix the problem.