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Knowledge base article 22

Zip version

Our standard download and install uses Windows Installer 2.0 (a Microsoft technology) directly from our web site. In rare cases, this can fail (proxy server, anti-virus settings, general problems with IE). Also, this method only works if the target PC is connected to the internet.

As an alternative, we have packaged together a zip version. You can download the install files in one go (23MB) as follows:

  1. Download the following:
  2. Unzip to new folder
  3. Run setup.exe to start install (use Start/Run)
  4. Or copy to CD to transfer to separate PC.

The above comes with US and UK spell/thesaurus/grammar checker. Additional languages are available:


Add any/all of the above to the install set (the folder you unzip the main download to) and these languages will be available as install options.

A note on non-broadband connections

The zip file is close to the upper limit in size for a non-broadband connection - it takes approximately 2 hours to download on a dial-up. Depending on your browser, you should be able to "resume" broken connections, so if your line is dropped for some reason, you don't have to start from the beginning.