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Knowledge base article 151

Spell check language options

By default, Ability comes with support for American, British and Canadian English in its spell checker.

Additional languages are available by separate installation of the following:

Version 11 Version 10 Version 8 Version 7
Ability Spell Check Additional Languages - AbilityDictionaries.exe Ability Spell Check Additional Languages - AbilityDictionaries.exe Ability Spell Check Additional Languages - AbilityDictionaries.exe Ability Spell Check Additional Languages - AbilityDictionaries.exe

Select Tools/Options/Spelling to set the language after installation.

Note: the v7 installer defaults to the Ability Office 7 install folder. If you have an earlier versions, please use the Options button in the installer dialog to locate the correct folder.

The additional languages available are:
French (and Canadian French)
Portuguese (and Brazilian Portuguese)