Preguntas más frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes de autoayuda.

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Artículo de la base de conocimiento 132

Large cursor and letters appear vertical

Symptom: after starting Write and attempting to type text, the cursor appears almost the height of the page and each letter starts a new line. Shortly after, Write will crash.

Reason: the wrong or outdated graphics driver is installed.

Solution: visit the graphics adapter manufacturer's web site and install the correct graphics driver.

The first step is to find out what graphics adaptor is actually installed. You can refer to the documentation that came with the PC. Or, run the DirectX diagnostic tool:

  1. Select Start/Run (or Start/All Programs Accessories/Run in Vista)
  2. Enter DXDIAG
  3. Click the Display tab - the info you need is under Device.

The next step is to visit the manufacturer's web site. Here are the most common:

ATI from AMD:

To upgrade a graphics driver, please follow the instructions according to the manufacturer's web site.