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Artículo de la base de conocimiento 133

How Photopaint sizes photos at print time

A typical JPEG photo contains 1280x960 or 2048x1536 pixels and will open with default resolution in Photopaint of 72 dots per inch (dpi). 72dpi happens to be a typical monitor resolution.

If you print say a 1280x960 photo, Photopaint will have to scale down the picture to fit the current margins and orientation (see File/Page Setup) since at 72dpi, the image would be 1280/72 x 960/72 inches or 17.8 x 13.3 inches and too big to fit an A4 page. This default behaviour is useful since a typical photo will always be printed at a sensible size in Photopaint.

More control

For photo-quality output, you should be aiming for 240-360 dpi on your printer. This can be set using Image/Image Size and setting Resolution to 300. Note that the overall number of pixels does not change - this is important as it means your original picture is unaltered. Now when you print you'll see an output image of 4.3 x 3.2 inches.